High Stakes Roulette

Go big or get out with High Stakes Roulette! Online roulette games and casino for high rollers.

High Stakes Roulette Explained

High Stakes Roulette
High Stakes Roulette

Roulette has long been considered to be one of the most popular gambling games in history. It is also the game with the longest recorded history of still being played in the same way today. It history is colorful, as it should be for a game of this sophistication, and the inventor of the game is said to have sold his soul to the Devil for the secret of the game.

All the numbers on the Roulette wheel added together total the dreaded “666 – the mark of the beast”. Blaise Pascal however was a brilliant 17th century scientist, mathematician and philosopher, so he was more than reasonably believed to have been capable of thinking up a game of this magnitude without outside help, so to speak.

Roulette purists believe that the only way to play this game is big, so high stakes roulette is the name of the game at the majority of casinos, and you don’t have to look too far and wide for no limit games. Variations on betting limits do appear in some casinos, but by and large these are in the high stakes roulette category.

A handful of examples provides a general look at high stakes roulette, so lets star with sites which offer games to US players, as these are a little more difficult to come by.

Bodog Casino is one of the best casinos, and their roulette tables welcome high rollers from the US. They don’t offer no limit tables and their table limit is $1 000. Pinnacle is not a site I am very familiar with but because SecureOnlineCasinos.uk is in the business of finding out about extreme gamine we found out. This is a US industry player founded in 1998, and still going strong, so you can be pretty secure about placing your maximum $5000 roulette table wager.

For other players, such as the many in the UK who keep the online gambling industry alive; the world quite literally is your oyster. Ladbrokes Casino, Bet365 Casino, and InterCasino sites all offer no limit tables, so if you have a preference, perhaps you should stick to it.

In essence most Roulette tables have a limit on inside and outside bets, and if there is a table limit, this is the limit you are able to place on any one spin. As there are some many different areas you can bet on, you are able to place the full table limit on one number, or on any number of other bets, or split it between both.

$5000 or Pounds, whatever currency you are entitle to play with, is a lot of money to be placing on a roulette table which is a completely random number game. However it is the odds which make it so exciting to play, as well as the huge variety of wagering options. If you are going to play roulette, I agree with the purists, go big or get out of the game!